Many times, at Alliant Title & Escrow we meet young first-time homebuyer families with young children at the closing table.

But as a family with young children, you want to make sure your new home is safe and child proofed properly before you move in (or as soon as possible) as you know young kids love to explore and a new home is a perfect place to do that.

So, what are some of the essentials when it comes to child proofing? Here is a brief checklist:

  • Invest in modern childproof cabinet locks for your kitchen, bathrooms and toilets. Magnetic locks are a good option as they can be mounted on the inside of the cabinets and on the toilet seats so young kids can’t get in but adults can have easy access using a simple magnetic key.
  • As for furniture in the living areas, look for sharp edges on end and coffee tables. You will want to cover those corners up with some stick-on corner cards or possibly replace the furniture with versions that are rounded.
  • You will want to add carpet and/or a thick rug to the child’s room to cushion any falls as it is most likely the room they will spend the most time in.
  • Lastly, you will always want to make sure all outlets throughout the home have childproof outlets covering them when not in use.

While there are plenty of other ways to childproof your new home, these above are essentials as the last thing you want to do right after moving in is having to make a trip to the hospital with one of your little ones.

For additional tips contact us at 561-912-0922 or visit